I had a list that has Business = ['Company name','Mycompany',Revenue','1000','Income','2000','employee','3000','Facilities','4000','Stock','5000'] , the output of the list structure is shown below:
Company Mycompany
Revenue 1000
Income 2000
employee 3000
Facilities 4000
Stock 5000
The Dynamic list gets updated ***
for every iteration for the list and some of the items in the list is missing
***. for example execution 1 the list gets updated as below:
Company Mycompany
Income 2000 #revenue is missing
employee 3000
Facilities 4000
Stock 5000
In the above list the Revenue is removed from list as company has no revenue, in second example :
Company Mycompany
Revenue 1000
Income 2000
Facilities 4000 #Employee is missing
Stock 5000
In the above example 2 Employee is missing. How to create a output list that replaces the missing values with 0, in example 1 revenue is missing , hence I have to replace the output list with ['Revenue,'0'] at its position, for better understanding please find below
output list created for example 1: Revenue replaced with 0
Company Mycompany| **Revenue 0**| Income 2000| employee 3000| Facilities 4000| Stock 5000
Output list for example 2: employee is replaced with 0
Company Mycompany| Revenue 1000| Income 2000| **employee 0**| Facilities 4000| Stock 5000
How can I achieve the output list with replacing the output list with 0 on missing list items without changing the structure of list. My code so far:
for line in Business:
if 'Company' not in line:
Business.insert( 0, 'company')
Business.insert( 1, '0')
if 'Revenue' not in line:
#got stuck here
if 'Income' not in line:
#got stuck here
if 'Employee' not in line:
#got stuck here
if 'Facilities' not in line:
#got stuck here
if 'Stock' not in line:
#got stuck here
Thanks a lot in advance
As said in the comments, a dict
is a much better data structure for the problem. If you really need the list, you could use a temporary dict like this:
example = ['Company name','Mycompany','Income','2000','employee','3000','Facilities','4000','Stock','5000']
template = ['Company name', 'Revenue', 'Income', 'employee', 'Facilities', 'Stock']
# build a temporary dict
exDict = dict(zip(example[::2], example[1::2]))
# work on it
result = []
for i in template:
if i in exDict.keys():
A bit more efficient (but harder to understand for beginners) would be to create the temporary dict like this:
i = iter(example)
example_dict = dict(zip(i, i))
This works because zip
uses lazy evaluation.