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AccountVMSeriesCoreQuotaReached Even the Quota is Increased in Azure Batch Pool

I am trying to create an Azure Batch pool using the below specs.

Region: East US 2

VM Series: Basic A Series

When I create the Batch Acc, I am getting the below error.

Code: AccountVMSeriesCoreQuotaReached The specified account has reached VM series core quota for basicAFamily

I created a support request and Increased the quota for 100 VMs as below. Currently, it supports 100 VMs.

Azure VM Quota

However, still, I am getting the above error for the below specs. Error

And the Batch Account is in East US 2 as well. BatchDes

Am I doing anything wrong here? How I can get rid of AccountVMSeriesCoreQuotaReached.

Thanks in advance.


  • In a subscription, Azure Batch has its own set of quotas which is separate from the subscription-wide quotas

    Go to: Batch accounts => <name of batch account> => Quotas

    And increase it