I am working on practicing python but I am stuck here. I got my Binary Search Tree to work as it relates to the search function but I am having some issues with my insert function. I keep getting the error TypeError: insert() missing 1 required positional argument: 'key'
I cannot seem to see what I am missing:
class Node:
def __init__(self, key, parent = None):
self.key = key
self.parent = parent
self.left = None
self.right = None
# Make sure that the parent's left/right pointer
# will point to the newly created node.
if parent != None:
if key < parent.key:
assert(parent.left == None),
parent.left = self
assert key > parent.key,
assert(parent.right == None ),
parent.right = self
# Utility function that keeps traversing left until it finds
# the leftmost descendant
def get_leftmost_descendant(self):
if self.left != None:
return self.left.get_leftmost_descendant()
return self
def search(self, key):
if self.key == key:
return (True, self)
if key > self.key and self.right != None:
return self.right.search(key)
if key < self.key and self.left != None:
return self.left.search(key)
return (False, self)
def insert(self, parent, key):
if parent is None:
parent = Node(key)
return parent
if parent.data <= key:
parent.right = self.insert(parent.right, key)
parent.left = self.insert(parent.left, key)
return parent
These are the conditions it tests against. It seems to pass the search with no isuues but I am not entirely sure as to why the insert errors out.
print('-- Testing search -- ')
(b, found_node) = t1.search(18)
assert b and found_node.key == 18, 'test 8 failed'
(b, found_node) = t1.search(25)
assert b and found_node.key == 25,
(b, found_node) = t1.search(26)
assert(not b), 'test 10 failed'
assert(found_node.key == 40),
print('-- Testing insert -- ')
ins_node = t1.insert(26)
assert ins_node.key == 26, ' test 12 failed '
assert ins_node.parent == t4, ' test 13 failed '
assert t4.left == ins_node, ' test 14 failed '
ins_node2 = t1.insert(33)
assert ins_node2.key == 33, 'test 15 failed'
assert ins_node2.parent == ins_node, 'test 16 failed'
assert ins_node.right == ins_node2, 'test 17 failed'
That's because the insert
signature defined in Node
def insert(self: Node, parent: Optional[Node], key: int):
and in your tests you're calling
ins_node = t1.insert(26)
which has the signature
def insert(self: Node, key: int):
Since the signatures don't match, the error appears. You can refactor to something like this:
def insert(self, key):
if self.parent is None:
self.parent = Node(key)
return parent
if self.parent.data <= key:
self.parent.right = self.parent.right.insert(key)
self.parent.left = self.parent.left.insert(key)
return self.parent