I'm trying to download videos with a script into a predefined directory:
$save_dir = 'video'
$list_dir = "-o N:/$save_dir/%(upload_date)s_%(title)s_%(id)s.%(ext)s"
ForEach ($item in $list_dir) {
Write-Host $item
& yt-dlp $item `
--cache-dir "$PSScriptRoot/bin/cache" `
being a single element array is a necessity (part of a larger script), hence the ForEach loop. Terminal output (note that you need to copy the video URL into clipboard first):
-o N:/video/%(upload_date)s_%(title)s_%(id)s.%(ext)s
[youtube] YbJOTdZBX1g: Downloading webpage
[info] YbJOTdZBX1g: Downloading 1 format(s): 248+251
[download] Destination: N#\video\20181206_YouTube Rewind 2018 - Everyone Controls Rewind _ #YouTubeRewind_YbJOTdZBX1g.f248.webm
This ends up creating a directory called N#
inside the directory the terminal is run from. Why is it replacing :
after the drive letter with a #
? It clearly knows it's a :
based on the Write-Host
Why is it replacing
after the drive letter with a#
It isn't PowerShell that is performing this substitution; by process of elimination, it must be yt-dlb
"-o N:/$save_dir/%(upload_date)s_%(title)s_%(id)s.%(ext)s"
You cannot pass both an option and its argument as a single string - PowerShell will pass it as a single, double-quoted argument (double-quoted due to the presence of at least one space).
The equivalent of passing & yt-dlp -o N:/$save_dir/%(upload_date)s_%(title)s_%(id)s.%(ext)s
via a variable is to use an array variable, with the option name and its argument passed as separate elements:
$arr = '-o', "N:/$save_dir/%(upload_date)s_%(title)s_%(id)s.%(ext)s"
& yt-dlp $arr --cache-dir $PSScriptRoot/bin/cache (Get-Clipboard)
Note: The above uses a single array for brevity.
To define multiple arrays hosted in a single array you can easily define a jagged array (an array whose elements are arrays too); using the example of a jagged array containing just one nested array (option+argument) pair, constructed via the unary form of ,
, the array constructor operator:
$list_dir = , ('-o', "N:/$save_dir/%(upload_date)s_%(title)s_%(id)s.%(ext)s")
ForEach ($item in $list_dir) {
& yt-dlp $item --cache-dir $PSScriptRoot/bin/cache (Get-Clipboard)
For multi-element jagged arrays, place ,
between the sub-arrays
($list_dir = ('-o', 'foo'), ('-o', 'bar')