I'm using the Gmaps4Rails gem and cannot figure out how to adjust the default zoom settings. In my view I have the following code:
<%= gmaps({
"map_options" => {"auto_adjust" => false, "auto_zoom" => false, "zoom" => 15 },
"markers" => {"data" => @json }
I know this has been asked and answered many times, but maybe I'm just not seeing something...any advice? Am i missing something completely obvious? I apologize for reposting this question.
Thanks, Kevin
I failed to properly comment out the default instance of gmaps and it overrode my customized settings. Thanks for all the help @apneadiving!
You're simply missing that seeing the whole map means providing a very small number, not a big one!
<%= gmaps({
"map_options" => {"auto_adjust" => false, "zoom" => 0 },
"markers" => {"data" => @json }