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How to write long division in overleaf?




 & & a_1= y_2x_4 - y_3x_1^2 + y_3x_4^2 - y_4x_1^3 + y_4x_4^3 \\
 & & a_2=-y_2x_4 - y_3x_4^2 - y_4x_4^3 \\ 
 y_1+y_2x_4+y_3x_4^2+y_4x_4^3 & \longdiv & y_1y_2x_4 - y_1y_3x_1^2 +    
 y_1y_3x_4^2 - y_1y_4x_1^3 + y_1y_4x_4^3 + y_2^2x_1x_4 + 
 y_2y_3x_1x_4^2 + y_2y_4x_1x_4^3\\

-y_2x_1+y_2x_4-y_3x_1^2+y_3x_4^2-y_4x_1^3+y_4x_4^3 & \longdiv &



I need some help in writing this long division as it is going out of the page.

The problem that I am facing while writing long division in latex is when the divisor and the dividend are 3 line long polynomials.In those cases my polynomials are going out of the page.


  • You could just write the dividend over 2 lines, just like you did for the divisor. The following should hopefully stay within the margins of your page:

    & & a_1= y_2x_4 - y_3x_1^2 + y_3x_4^2 - y_4x_1^3 + y_4x_4^3 \\
    & & a_2=-y_2x_4 - y_3x_4^2 - y_4x_4^3 \\ 
    & \longdiv & y_1y_2x_4 - y_1y_3x_1^2 + y_1y_3x_4^2 - y_1y_4x_1^3 + y_1y_4x_4^3 \\
    & \longdiv & + y_2^2x_1x_4 + y_2y_3x_1x_4^2 + y_2y_4x_1x_4^3

    This works for 12pt font on US letter paper with standard 1 inch margins, and on A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins.