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How to build and release a Maven project from an offline machine (with a file directory as lib-repository)

I need to build and release projects using Jenkins, on a server with no access to maven central, and even, with no access to Nexus.

Given that I have access to maven-central on dev machines, to fill the maven local_repository, I could do

mvn dependency:resolve-plugins dependency:go-offline

to then copy the local_repository on the linux server.

Then, to get ride of a Non-resolvable parent POM error, as described here, I filled the specific profiles for both windows (dev) and linux (jenkins) with faked central profile to override the maven-central reference made by my parent pom:

            <properties>                <repository.base.url>file:///c:/maven_distribution_repo/</repository.base.url>
                  <name>Maven Plugin Repository</name>
                    <name>Maven Plugin Repository</name>

That way, mvn -o compile still raise a Non-resolvable parent POM error !, but using the --legacy-local-repository option suggested here , managed to fake the remote repository by using a local one, and the Non-resolvable parent POM problem disappeared:

mvn --legacy-local-repository compile

Still, a strange error appeared (decribed here):

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project myProject: Could not resolve dependencies for project some.package:myProject:war:0.0.7-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at org.jxls:jxls-poi:jar:1.0.11 -> org.jxls:jxls:jar:[2.0.0,):  org.jxls:jxls:jar:[2.0.0,) within specified range -> [Help 1]

But it was hiding an earlier warning:

[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata org.jxlsjxls/maven-metadata.xml from/to central (/path):/appli/Maven_3.1.1_build/maven_distribution_repo/org/jxls/jxls/maven-metadata-central.xml (access forbidden)

Using --legacy-local-repository, maven seems to use the distribution repository path as the local libs repository !

I swapped them in the pom:


and had also to copy into the local repository: all maven-metadata-maven2_central.xml into maven-metadata.xml

using the following bash command:

for file in $(find /appli/Maven-3.1.1_build/maven_local_repo -type f -name 'maven-metadata-maven2_central.xml'); do cp $file $(echo ${file%/*}/maven-metadata.xml); done

And ... BINGO !


Seems weird, at later stage, to release:perform into the local lib repository.

Would you have any better and not that painful solution ?


  • Maven deploy plugin would solve this problem.

    mvn deploy -DaltDeploymentRepository=local-temp::default::file://directory/

    More Exhaustive example:

    # 1. Create temporary folder
    tmp_repo=$(mktemp -d systemds-repo-tmp-XXXXX)
    # 2. Create a simple settings.xml
      cat <<EOF >../tmp-settings-nexus.xml
    # 3. deploy to local
      mvn --settings ../tmp-settings-nexus.xml -Pdistribution deploy \
        -DaltDeploymentRepository=local-temp::default::file://${tmp_repo} \