GlassFish Application Server uses a script, asadmin.bat, that in turns starts a JVM.
I'd like to call this script using jinterop and DCOM from Java on a remote machine. I can't find any help on this specific usage. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I use the Windows Scripting Host Shell to execute some program or batch on a remote computer.
The code looks like:
// Create a session
JISession session = JISession.createSession(<domain>, <user>, <password>);
// Execute command
JIComServer comStub = new JIComServer(JIProgId.valueOf("WScript.Shell"),<IP>, session);
IJIComObject unknown = comStub.createInstance();
final IJIDispatch shell = (IJIDispatch)JIObjectFactory.narrowObject((IJIComObject)unknown.queryInterface(IJIDispatch.I ID));
JIVariant results[] = shell.callMethodA("Exec", new Object[]{new JIString("%comspec% /c asadmin.bat" )});
If you need the output from the batch you can use StdOut to read it.
JIVariant stdOutJIVariant = wbemObjectSet_dispatch.get("StdOut");
IJIDispatch stdOut = (IJIDispatch)JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(stdOutJIVariant.getObjectAsComObject());
// Read all from stdOut