I am using mongoose for managing relationships between data and I am trying to use connect-mongo to store specific sessions in the database.
It looks like that we need to connect twice to the db, one with mongoose and another one with connect-mongo.
I am using the following code to initialise a connection for mongoose
await mongoose.connect(this._connectionUrl, this._connectionOptions);
Initialising a new store every time (not sure if I am correct regarding code initialisation).
// secret: config.sessionSecretKey,
secret: "secretkey",
resave: true,
saveUninitialized: true,
cookie: { maxAge: 19 * 60000 }, // store for 19 minutes
store: MongoStore.create({
mongoUrl: this._connectionUrl,
mongoOptions: this._connectionOptions // See below for details
Is there any way that I can pass the connection from mongoose to mongo-connect Store?
i'm lookin for a solution too and just read this on the "migration guide" of connect-mongo
For the options, you should make the following changes:
Change url to mongoUrl Change collection to collectionName if you are using it Keep clientPromise if you are using it mongooseConnection has been removed. Please update your application code to use either mongoUrl, client or clientPromise To reuse an existing mongoose connection retreive the mongoDb driver from you mongoose connection using Connection.prototype.getClient() and pass it to the store in the client-option. Remove fallbackMemory option and if you are using it,
and there's this example https://github.com/jdesboeufs/connect-mongo/blob/master/example/mongoose.js