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How to access compiler/compilation/module from loader context in Webpack 4

I am trying to write a custom webpack loader.

Webpack documentation mentions that access to the _compiler, _compilation and _module properties on loader context is deprecated ( and should be avoided.

Is there a newer API that would allow me to access them?


  • For anyone trying to figure out the same thing. I don't think there is any replacement API. The idea probably is that a loader shouldn't really need access to these objects and if you do need them you should use a plugin instead (or in addition).

    In case the properties will get removed in future, here is how you can "add them back" using a plugin:

    // custom-plugin.js
    const NormalModule = require('webpack/lib/NormalModule')
    class CustomPlugin {
      apply (compiler) {
        compiler.hooks.compilation.tap('CustomPlugin', (compilation) => {
          NormalModule.getCompilationHooks(compilation).loader.tap('CustomPlugin', (loader, module) => {
            loader._customPlugin = {
              module: module,
              compiler: compiler,
              compilation: compilation,
    module.exports = CustomPlugin
    // custom-loader.js
    module.exports = function (source) {
        module: this._customPlugin.module === this._module, // true
        compiler: this._customPlugin.compiler === this._compiler, // true
        compilation: this._customPlugin.compilation === this._compilation, // true
      return source;