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Storing results of BFG to new project in Gitlab

I've successfully (I think!) removed large files from a gitlab project mirrored on my local drive using BFG. I don't want to replace the existing gitlab project (for safety reasons), but instead want to push to a new test gitlab project. Here's the commands I've done successfully so far:

git clone --mirror [email protected]:architecture-team/IOMobile.git
java -jar bfg.jar --strip-blobs-bigger-than 100M IOMobile.git/
cd IOMobile.git
git reflog expire --expire=now --all
git gc --prune=now --aggressive

Those commands seem to have done the trick, now how do I reset the origin to:

[email protected]:architecture-team/testiomobile.git

...and then push the mirror into the new project? I'm not sure how to reset the origin on a mirror and want to make sure I don't change the original project.

Do I just do a simple

git push

or do I need

git push --mirror

Thanks for any help -Owen


  • I think in this case it does not matter if you specify --mirror or not. Since you cloned it already with the --mirror flag, a normal git push will update all refs on the remote server. This is also described at the bfg docs:

    But there is a gotcha you could run into. If you see this error message while pushing:

    remote: GitLab: You are not allowed to force push code to a protected branch on this project.

    Then you have to enable Allow force push option in the GitLab project settings at URL

    After the push you should disable the Allow force push again.