I want to declare a function dynamically and I want to wrap any access to global variables OR alternatively define which variables are free and wrap any access to free variables.
I'm playing around with code like this:
class D:
def __init__(self):
self.d = {}
def __getitem__(self, k):
print "D get", k
return self.d[k]
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
print "D set", k, v
self.d[k] = v
def __getattr__(self, k):
print "D attr", k
raise AttributeError
globalsDict = D()
src = "def foo(): print x"
compiled = compile(src, "<foo>", "exec")
exec compiled in {}, globalsDict
f = globalsDict["foo"]
This produces the output:
D set foo <function foo at 0x10f47b758>
D get foo
<function foo at 0x10f47b758>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test_eval.py", line 40, in <module>
File "<foo>", line 1, in foo
NameError: global name 'x' is not defined
What I want is somehow catch the access to x
with my dict-like wrapper D
. How can I do that?
I don't want to predefine all global variables (in this case x
) because I want to be able to load them lazily.
What you're looking for is object proxying.
Here is a recipe for an object proxy which supports pre- and post- call hooks:
Create a subclass that doesn't actually load the object until the first time the _pre
hook is called. Anything accessing the object will cause the real object to be loaded, and all calls will appear to be handled directly by the real object.