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generate a one-column table that contains hundreds of different categories using M or DAX

I need to split my products into a total of 120 predefined price clusters/buckets. These clusters can overlap and look somewhat like that:

Cluster structure

As I dont want to write down all of these strings manually: Is there a convenient way to do this in M or DAX directly using a bit of code?

Thanks in advance! Dave


  • With m-Query you can create a function. Open the query editor. Richt click and create empty query. Create function (ignore warning) and call it : RowGenerator.

    Open advanced editor and past the following code:

        Bron = (base as number, start as number, end as number) => let
           Bron =  Table.FromList(List.Generate(() => start, each _ <= end, each _ + 1), Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
           #"Aangepaste kolom toegevoegd" = Table.AddColumn(Bron, "Aangepast", each Number.ToText(base) & " - " & Number.ToText([Column1]))
            #"Aangepaste kolom toegevoegd"

    This function creates a table where base is your first number and start, end the range.

    Add another empty query, open the advanged editor and paste:

        Bron =  List.Generate(() => 0, each _ < 5, each _ + 1),
        #"Geconverteerd naar tabel" = Table.FromList(Bron, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),
        #"Aangeroepen aangepaste functie" = Table.AddColumn(#"Geconverteerd naar tabel", "test", each RowGenerator(_[Column1], _[Column1] + 1, 5)),
        #"test uitgevouwen" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Aangeroepen aangepaste functie", "test", {"Column1", "Aangepast"}, {"Column1.1", "Price Cluster"}),
        #"Kolommen verwijderd" = Table.RemoveColumns(#"test uitgevouwen",{"Column1", "Column1.1"})
        #"Kolommen verwijderd"

    This creates first a list of 5 rows, then it calls the previous made function for each row and the last step is to expend the rows and remove the not needed columns.


    enter image description here