I have a Composable function which displays 2 TextField
s. Here's my code:
fun CreateEntryItem() {
var wordA by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
var wordB by remember { mutableStateOf("") }
Column {
Row {
value = wordA,
onValueChange = { wordA = it },
enabled = true,
modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)
value = wordB,
onValueChange = { wordB = it },
enabled = true,
modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)
When I give focus to TextField A, I can type and the value of wordA
updates correctly.
Here's the weird behaviour:
I then give focus to TextField B. I then give focus back to TextField A. When I start typing, instead of TextField A inserting / appending characters at the cursor position in the existing text, it completely clears the existing text (as set pre-focus), and 'starts afresh'. That is to say, each TextField only remembers text entered in the current 'focus session'.
Am I doing this wrong? Or is this a bug in Compose? I reproduced this behaviour on both 1.0.0-beta07
and 1.0.0-beta08
Turns out this isn't a Compose bug per se, but an emulator issue. Running the exact same code on a real device didn't run into this issue.
The emulator that encountered this issue was API 30 running on macOS Big Sur. I haven't tested whether other systems are also affected by this emulator bug.