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VueX Mutation Optimization

I am working with a VueX store at the moment, and I have 1 mutation that does a push to entire array. Everything works currently, but want to know if I can make this code simpler, less lines / more optimized at the same time. Side note, these are objects stored in an array.

PUSH_TO_ALL: (state, data) => {
    const found = state.all.find((one, i) => {
      if (one.slug === data.slug) {
        state.all[i] = data // modify current state
        return true
      return false
    if (!found) {
      state.all.push(data) // add to the state


  • My first thought is that if you compare the slug in data to that in every object in the array, it must be unique (otherwise you would replace multiple objects in the find).

    This means that you can almost certainly make things a lot faster and a lot simpler if you switch from having the 'root' of state be an array, to using an object instead, indexed by slug.

    Then your code would switch to being something like:

    PUSH_TO_ALL: (state, data) => {
        state.all[data.slug] = data

    This has 2 advantages - it is much simpler and faster to modify state, since you don't need to walk all of state checking if the object already exists. And secondly there's no need for separate code to distinguish between adding a new object, and replacing it if it already exists.

    If for some reason you have to store state as an array, I would use a different part of state to maintain an object which tracks slug to array index. Then your code would be something like:

    PUSH_TO_ALL: (state, data) => {
            if ([data.slug]) {
              state.all[[data.slug]] = data
            } else {
              // Push returns length of array - index is len-1
    [data.slug] = state.all.push(data) - 1

    Note - in Vue2 you may need to use Vue.set() to update nested objects, since otherwise the code may not react to these changes. Vue3 no longer has this limitation.