I'm using Kotlin and vertx. In my vertx app, I'm trying to send a ByteArray to another event consumer.
To do this i'm converting it to a string, and then once its received in the 2nd handler I'm converting it back to a ByteArray but the objects aren't equal. They are very different and I have no idea why.
My 2 event handlers are:
eb.consumer<JsonObject>("epos.print.print-image-from-path") { message ->
GlobalScope.launch(vertx.dispatcher()) {
var imagePath = message.body().get<String>("imagePath")
var convertor = image2escpos.Image2ESCPOS()
var bytes = convertor.printImage(imagePath)
println( bytes.joinToString("") { String.format("%02X", (it.toInt() and 0xFF)) })
temp1 = bytes
eb.publish("epos.print.print-image-from-bitmap", json { obj("bytes" to String(bytes)) })
eb.consumer<JsonObject>("epos.print.print-image-from-bitmap") { message ->
GlobalScope.launch(vertx.dispatcher()) {
var bytes = message.body().get<String>("bytes")
var byteArray = bytes.toByteArray(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
println( byteArray.joinToString("") { String.format("%02X", (it.toInt() and 0xFF)) })
and I have the private variable:
private lateinit var temp1:ByteArray
so that I can compare the 2 variables.
I'm invoking the "epos.print.print-image-from-path" method by sending an event with a json body such as: { "imagePath" : "/Users/XXXXXXX/Downloads/QR-Zed80.BMP" }
What am i missing when encoding/decoding objects. I'm not entirely sure how a string relates to a ByteArray but I need to pass a ByteArray between 2 handlers and String seem to be the only way on the event bus.
Thanks for your help in advance!
If you aren't using clustered Vert.x, you can just send and receive ByteArray.
You may need to implement a no-op codec, though: https://alexey-soshin.medium.com/understanding-vert-x-event-bus-c31759757ce8