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How to encounter error UPDATE and DELETE without prior input WHEN want to update to SUBFILE in RPGLE

I'm having an error shown as in the picture below :


If I enter blank option or wrong option, I will get the error as above

enter image description here

When this error occur, I cant Update, Delete and Refresh.

It happens when I want to update existing record and also when I put wrong option and blank option. When I debug, I realize that the error comes when want to UPDATE SUBFILE.

OSR     Begsr
        ReadC    SFL01
        DOW      *IN91 = *OFF
OPT     WhenEQ    2
        Exsr      UPDSR
OPT     WhenEQ    4
        Exsr      DLTSR             
OPT     WhenEQ    5
        Exsr      DSPSR
        Exsr      ERRSR

        Clear            OPT

        UPDATE    SFL01
        READC     SFL01


What should I do? Do I need to chain from logical file before UPDATE SUBFILE? Please help me. Thanks in advance


  • the indicator *in91 has to be specified as the EQ result indicator of the READC statement. Both READC statements. Or, replace the test for *in91 with a test of the built in %eof variable.

    c     OSR           Begsr                                               
    c                   ReadC     SFL01                                  91 
    c                   DOW       *IN91 = *OFF                              
    ** ------------------------- osr_eof -----------------------
    c     OSR_eof       Begsr                                   
    c                   ReadC     SFL01                         
    c                   DOW       %eof = '0'                    
    c                   Select                                  
    c     OPT           WhenEQ    2                           
    c                   Exsr      UPDSR                         
    c     OPT           WhenEQ    4                           
    c                   Exsr      DLTSR                         
    c     OPT           WhenEQ    5                           
    c                   Exsr      DSPSR                         
    c                   Other                                   
    c                   Exsr      ERRSR                         
    c                   EndSL                                   
    c                   Clear                   optn            
    c                   UPDATE    SFL01                         
    c                   READC     SFL01                         
    c                   Enddo