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Calendar locale (German) for PlantUML gantt diagrams

Can someone tell me, how I can define another calendar's locale (e.g. German) for the rendered calendar parts of the nice gantt feature in plantUML

I have something like:

-- Vorbereitung --
Project starts 2020-12-01
[Themenfindung] starts 2020-12-01 and ends 2021-01-01
[milestone] happens at 2020-12-15
-- ... --

The output prints month and daynames in English: Output Gantt Diagram

Is it possible at all and if so how can this be changed to German.

There is nothing about this in the documentation (


  • With last beta you can now specify a language for the Calendar. For example:

    Language DE
    Project starts the 20th of september 2017

    This will be integrated in next official release.