I'm created a trigger that inserts a row in a table after a row is deleted in another table.
Here's my trigger
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_delete_log_animal AFTER delete ON animal
INSERT INTO log_animais (momento, ocorrencia)
VALUES (now(), "The register '" + old.nome_animal + "' was deleted from the animal table");
I want nome_animal to be between single quotation marks.
But I get the following error when I delete a row from the animal table:
Error Code: 1292. Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'The register ''
I've tried changing it to
'The register "' + old.nome_animal + '" was deleted from the animal table'
And also to
"The register \'" + old.nome_animal + "\' was deleted from the animal table"
But it's no good.
What am I doing wrong?
Don't try to build strings with + in your SQL code.
Use CONCAT() instead:
'The register \'',
'\' was deleted from the animal table'));
And, escape the '
characters you want in your strings with \
'Mrs. O\'Leary\'s cow.'