I setup 2 SignalR connections on the client - one per each hub. Connections are established the following way:
var firstConnection = Signalr.connect();
var secondConnection = Signalr.connect({ hubName: 'MySecondHub' });
Calling hub methods on the default connection works, but when I do...
this.secondConnection.invoke('My2ndHubMethod').then(data => {
. . .
... it just logs the following in the console
SignalRConnection. Start invoking 'My2ndHubMethod'...
Seems like the call never actually returns.
When I change SignalRConfiguration.transport
from ConnectionTransports.webSocket
to ConnectionTransports.longPolling
it produces following error:
Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: s
And logs following to the console Invoking 'My2ndHubMethod' failed. Rejecting promise...
What could be the cause of this?
Apparently the error was caused by Hub1 and Hub2 having different number of arguments in their constructors. Once I put same number and type of arguments for both it started working.