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Cytoscape disappearing edges with bezier curves and nodes moving/longer labels in nodes

I am using cytoscape with bezier curves but edges are disappearing when having a node with longer label or just moving source node next to target node.

I have already seen "Edge xxxxx has invalid endpoints and so it is impossible to draw" warning and searched corresponding threads but couldn't find a solution.

Does anyone know how to handle that ?


  • I see some warnings on the console

    The style value of label is deprecated for width

    The style value of label is deprecated for height

    After I deleted 'width': 'label', 'height':'label', I no longer observe such problem.

    --- Update 1.1 ---

    but I'd like to have node's dimensions based on label's dimensions.

    To do this I think you should write a function style. See the below example. In the example, you can see that we are setting the size of the nodes dynamically based on their name length. I assumed name is a string that stores labels.'node').style({
          'width': (x) => { return'name').length + 'px;' }
          'height': (x) => { return'name').length + 'px;' }