My question is about hpcviewer
which is a tool to visualize trace data generated
by hpcrun.
I succeeded to install hpctoolkit
but I have a problem finding hpcviewer
To test the toolkit, I created a simple hello_world program in C (with OpenMP
) and executed the following block of commands as shown in
gcc -O3 -fopenmp hello_world.c -o hello_world -lm
hpcstruct ./hello_world
hpcrun -t ./hello_world
hpcprof -S hello_world.hpcstruct -I . hpctoolkit-hello_world-measurements
hpcviewer hpctoolkit-hello_world-database
Unfortunately, I get an error which is "hpcviewer: command not found
I installed hpcviewer yesterday using
spack install hpcviewer
The hpcviewer command is not found because the hpctoolkit has not been loaded.
You should execute the following command before asking for hpcviewer to visualize trace data generated by hpcrun:
spack load hpctoolkit
Then you can execute
hpcviewer hpctoolkit-"name_of_exec"-database