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How can I find hpcviewer in order to visualize trace data generated by hpcrun?

My question is about hpcviewer which is a tool to visualize trace data generated by hpcrun.

I succeeded to install hpctoolkit but I have a problem finding hpcviewer. To test the toolkit, I created a simple hello_world program in C (with OpenMP) and executed the following block of commands as shown in

gcc -O3 -fopenmp  hello_world.c -o hello_world -lm
hpcstruct ./hello_world
hpcrun -t ./hello_world
hpcprof -S hello_world.hpcstruct -I . hpctoolkit-hello_world-measurements
hpcviewer hpctoolkit-hello_world-database

Unfortunately, I get an error which is "hpcviewer: command not found". I installed hpcviewer yesterday using

spack install hpcviewer


  • The hpcviewer command is not found because the hpctoolkit has not been loaded.

    You should execute the following command before asking for hpcviewer to visualize trace data generated by hpcrun:

    spack load hpctoolkit 

    Then you can execute

    hpcviewer hpctoolkit-"name_of_exec"-database