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pandas transform 1st mutliindex to rowindex and 2nd multiindex to columnindex

So I have the following code which transforms groups a given dataframe by to columns and calculates the size of each group. This creates a DataFrame with one column and a Multiindex of two values. Afterwards I transfrom the result to put the 2nd Index as columnindex and the 1st index as rowindex.

import pandas as pd
from random import choice

products=['car', 'pen', 'kitchen', 'bed']
df=pd.DataFrame([{'product': choice(products), 'Changing': choice([True, False])} for _ in range(10000)])

df_grp=df.groupby(['product', 'Changing']).size().to_frame()

for i in df_grp.reset_index()['product'].unique():
    d.append({'product':i, 'not changing': df_grp.loc[(i,False)][0], 'changing': df_grp.loc[(i,True)][0]})

this results in the following output

product Changing      
bed     False     1253
        True      1269
car     False     1244
        True      1275
kitchen False     1236
        True      1271
pen     False     1206
        True      1246
         not changing  changing
bed              1253      1269
car              1244      1275
kitchen          1236      1271
pen              1206      1246

this is exactly what I want to achieve. However, my approch seems a bit complicated. Is there a more elegant way to do this? Maybe with da built-in pandas function or a lambda function? Also my approach does not generalize well since I always assume that the second index is a bool.


  • try via unstack():

    df_grp=df.groupby(['product', 'Changing']).size().unstack()

    Finally make use of columns attribute:

    df_grp.columns=[f'{"not "*col}{}' for col in df_grp][::-1]
    #as suggested by @Cyttorak #rename column without hard coding
    df_grp.columns=['not changing','changing'] #you have to manually write the names

    output of df_grp:

              not changing  changing
    bed         1210        1226
    car         1220        1272
    kitchen     1238        1277
    pen         1267        1290