May be this can be answered quickly. I am working on adding a retry mechanism in step functions. I want to keep retrying the failed activity for 24 hours at a interval of 1 hour or so.
I was going thorough the "Retrying after an error" section here: It says that "The multiplier by which the retry interval increases during each attempt (2.0 by default)." And also given example of 1st retry after 3 secs and next retry after 4.5 secs because, BackoffRate is 1.5.
So is this not exponential backoff? Because, on the same page, under "Handling a failure using Retry" section, it says the backoff will be applied exponentially.
Here is how interval between retry works:
Interval = IntervalSeconds*(BackoffRate)^(attempt-1)
So for this config:
"Retry": [
"ErrorEquals": ["States.ALL"],
"BackoffRate": 2,
"IntervalSeconds": 6,
"MaxAttempts": 6
We have these intervals:
attempt. interval
1 6*(2^0) = 6
2 6*(2^1) = 12
3 6*(2^2) = 24