I am trying to specify each dimension range (length, width and height) of values specify criteria based on the length, width and height.
In data table I have 3 columns are length, width,height based on the 3 columns I would like to generate status columns which is based on the below mentioned condition range.
Conditions Range
Length, width and height is start from 1 to 300 then A1.
Length, width and height is start from 301 to 650 then A2.
Length, width and height is start from 651 to 900 then A3.
Length, width and height is start from 901 to 1200 then A4
Length, width and height is start from 1201 above then XXX
NA | NA | NA | NA |
20000 | 5000 | 230 | XX |
400 | 300 | 140 | A1 |
BLANKS | |||
600 | 400 | 285 | A2 |
600 | 400 | 285 | A2 |
400 | 300 | 150 | A1 |
280 | 230 | 170 | A1 |
320 | 320 | 320 | A1 |
320 | 320 | 320 | A1 |
600 | 400 | 140 | A1 |
400 | 300 | 140 | A1 |
400 | 300 | 140 | A1 |
370 | 320 | 340 | A1 |
320 | 240 | 250 | A1 |
300 | 200 | 90 | A1 |
400 | 290 | 140 | A1 |
600 | 400 | 285 | A1 |
Table and result look like
Any suggestions please
Well, you may try the following dax measure, as it will assign all row to each category, and assign to Other
if does not match any of the criteria, do take note due to your data contain NA
, therefore all the value is in Text
for that need to convert to number during calculation:
Result = IF(Sheet1[LENGTH] = "NA" || Sheet1[WIDTH] = "NA" || Sheet1[HEIGHT] ="NA", "NA",
IF(VALUE(Sheet1[LENGTH])>0 && VALUE(Sheet1[LENGTH]) <=300 && VALUE(Sheet1[WIDTH]) >0 && VALUE(Sheet1[WIDTH]) <=300 && VALUE(Sheet1[HEIGHT]) >0 && VALUE(Sheet1 [HEIGHT]) <=300, "A1",
IF(VALUE(Sheet1[LENGTH])>300 && VALUE(Sheet1[LENGTH]) <=650 && VALUE(Sheet1[WIDTH]) >300 && VALUE(Sheet1[WIDTH]) <=650 && VALUE(Sheet1[HEIGHT]) >300 && VALUE (Sheet1[HEIGHT]) <=650, "A2",
IF(VALUE(Sheet1[LENGTH])>650 && VALUE(Sheet1[LENGTH]) <=900 && VALUE(Sheet1[WIDTH]) >650 && VALUE(Sheet1[WIDTH]) <=900 && VALUE(Sheet1[HEIGHT]) >650 && VALUE (Sheet1[HEIGHT]) <=900, "A3",
IF(VALUE(Sheet1[LENGTH])>900 && VALUE(Sheet1[LENGTH]) <=1200 && VALUE(Sheet1[WIDTH]) >900 && VALUE(Sheet1[WIDTH]) <=1200 && VALUE(Sheet1[HEIGHT]) >900 && VALUE(Sheet1[HEIGHT]) <=1200, "A4",
IF(VALUE(Sheet1[LENGTH])>1200 && VALUE(Sheet1[WIDTH]) >1200 && VALUE(Sheet1[HEIGHT]) >1200 , "XXX",