I can successfully extend and call the JobIntentService's function
enqueueWork(context, MessagesRetentionKotlin::class.java, UNIQUE_JOB_ID, work)
in the kotlin, but not in the Scala. Here I am sharing my Scala code for the class extending JobIntentService, will be great if someone can help me out. Thanks.
class MessagesRetention(context: Context, work: Intent) extends MessagesRetentionTrait with JobIntentService{
override def onCreate():Unit= {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate")
override def onHandleWork(intent: Intent):Unit= {
Log.d(TAG, "onHandleWork")
val input: String = intent.getStringExtra("inputExtra")
for (i <- 0 to 10) {
Log.d(TAG, "$input - $i")
if (isStopped) return
override def onDestroy():Unit= {
Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy")
val serviceIntent = new Intent(this, MessagesRetentionImpl.getClass)
serviceIntent.putExtra("inputExtra", "Test")
MessagesRetention.enqueueWorkk(this, serviceIntent)
object MessagesRetention {
private val TAG = "MessagesRetention"
val UNIQUE_JOB_ID = 10101
def enqueueWorkk(context: Context, work: Intent):Unit= {
enqueueWork(context, MessagesRetentionImpl.getClass, UNIQUE_JOB_ID, work)
Being a newbie in scala, I was not passing the right service context to the JobIntentService's enqueueWork
method. Instead of using .getclass
method I used the classOf[T]
for service class passing and it worked.
enqueueWork(context, classOf[MessagesRetention], UNIQUE_JOB_ID, work)