import org.cocos2d.layers.CCColorLayer;
import org.cocos2d.layers.CCLayer;
import org.cocos2d.layers.CCScene;
import org.cocos2d.menus.CCMenu;
import org.cocos2d.menus.CCMenuItem;
import org.cocos2d.menus.CCMenuItemImage;
import org.cocos2d.nodes.CCDirector;
import org.cocos2d.types.ccColor4B;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
public class MenuLayer extends CCColorLayer {
public static CCScene scene() {
// Create the scene
CCScene scene = CCScene.node();
// Create a background layer.
CCLayer background = new MenuLayer(ccColor4B.ccc4(255, 255, 255, 255));
return scene;
protected MenuLayer(ccColor4B colour) {
// Create a menu items.
CCMenuItem start = CCMenuItemImage.item("Start.png", "Start.png",
this, "startTouched");
CCMenuItem options = CCMenuItemImage.item("Options.png",
"Options.png", this, "optionsTouched");
CCMenuItem help = CCMenuItemImage.item("Help.png", "Help.png", this,
// Create array of CCMenuItem object to add to CCMenu
CCMenuItem[] items = { start, options, help };
// Add menu items to menu
CCMenu menu =;
// Align items with 150px adding
// Add menu to the scene
CCTouchDispatcher.sharedDispatcher().addTargetedDelegate(this, 0, true);
public boolean ccTouchesBegan(MotionEvent event) {
return true;
public boolean ccTouchesEnded(MotionEvent event) {
return super.ccTouchesEnded(event);
/**This method is called when the start menu item is touched**/
public void startTouched() {
CCScene scene = GameLayer.scene();
/**This method is called when the options menu item is touched**/
public void optionsTouched() {
CCScene scene = OptionsLayer.scene();
/**This method is called when the help menu item is touched**/
public void helpTouched() {
CCScene scene = HelpLayer.scene();
I'm getting started with cocos2d-android and I'm having trouble getting a menu to respond to touch events.
The scene loads up and runs okay it just won't respond to touch events. If I put a breakpoint in ccTouchesEnded I can intercept the event but startTouched, optionsTouched, and helpTouched are never called. As far as I have read, CCMenu should have this functionality built in.
cocos2d-android is ported from cocos2d-iphone.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
07-21 13:31:17.933: WARN/System.err(6660): java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: startTouched
07-21 13:31:17.933: WARN/System.err(6660): at
07-21 13:31:17.933: WARN/System.err(6660): at
07-21 13:31:17.933: WARN/System.err(6660): at org.cocos2d.menus.CCMenuItem.<init>
// The errors repeat for optionsTouched and helpTouched
It looks like it not resolving the selector parameter to the correct method. Can anyone see anything wrong with startTouched or the others?
I fixed it by adding a parameter to the callback methods.
public void startTouched(Object sender) {
CCScene scene = GameLayer.scene();
I haven't yet figured out why that was required but it worked.