Search code examples

Run query for each element in array or list

I'm trying to monitor all connections that hit our databases.

In order to do so I created this query:

SELECT @@ServerName AS [ServerName]
             ,NAME AS DatabaseName 
             ,COUNT(STATUS) AS [NumberOfConnections]
             ,GETDATE() AS [TimeStamp]
FROM sys.databases sd
LEFT JOIN master.dbo.sysprocesses sp ON sd.database_id = sp.dbid
WHERE database_id NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 4
GROUP BY NAME,hostname ,program_name ,loginame

which returns me exactly what I want on my local computer:

Very good, the ServerName is there, DatabaseName too, the NumberOfConnections too, etc...

But what if I want to run it to a remote server? In my lab in fact I have a remote server which is called [TESLABSQL02T], let's see if I can query it remotely:

SELECT @@ServerName AS [ServerName]
             ,NAME AS DatabaseName 
             ,COUNT(STATUS) AS [NumberOfConnections]
             ,GETDATE() AS [TimeStamp]
FROM [TESLABSQL02T].master.sys.databases sd
LEFT JOIN [TESLABSQL02T].master.sys.sysprocesses sp ON sd.database_id = sp.dbid
WHERE database_id NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 4
GROUP BY NAME,hostname ,program_name ,loginame

That's cool: now I want to monitor all my network!

Here is when things get spicy: I want to automate this in a job that runs every 10 minutes and that can query around 30 servers.

Let's try with 2 servers first [TESLABSQL01T] and [TESLABSQL02T]:

DECLARE @myTableVariable TABLE (id INT, ServerName varchar(50))
insert into @myTableVariable values(1,'[TESLABSQL01T]'),(2,'[TESLABSQL02T]')
select * from @myTableVariable

SELECT @@ServerName AS [ServerName]
             ,NAME AS DatabaseName 
             ,COUNT(STATUS) AS [NumberOfConnections]
             ,GETDATE() AS [TimeStamp]
FROM (select ServerName from @myTableVariable).master.sys.databases sd
LEFT JOIN (select ServerName from @myTableVariable).master.sys.sysprocesses sp ON sd.database_id = sp.dbid
WHERE database_id NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 4
GROUP BY NAME,hostname ,program_name ,loginame

Unfortunately no joy :(

The query is giving me an Incorrect syntax near the FROM and the LEFT JOIN.

How can I make this query to run once on each remote server every 10 minutes?

Should I use a list, an array, a temp table, a normal table?

I hear about FETCH NEXT FROM ObjectCursor , could that be an option?

Dynamic Query?

...every suggestion is valid. Thank you.


  • To solve the syntax error you have to create an dynamic query using a cursor:

    DECLARE @ServerName varchar(50), @DynamicSQL NVARCHAR(MAX)
    DECLARE @myTableVariable TABLE (id INT, ServerName varchar(50))
    insert into @myTableVariable values(1,'[TESLABSQL01T]'),(2,'[TESLABSQL02T]')
    select * from @myTableVariable
    Declare VarCursor cursor for
    Select ServerName from @myTableVariable
    Open VarCursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM VarCursor INTO @ServerName
        SET @DynamicSQL='SELECT @@ServerName AS [ServerName]
                     ,NAME AS DatabaseName 
                     ,COUNT(STATUS) AS [NumberOfConnections]
                     ,GETDATE() AS [TimeStamp]
        FROM '+@ServerName+'.master.sys.databases sd
        LEFT JOIN '+@ServerName+'.master.sys.sysprocesses sp ON sd.database_id = sp.dbid
        WHERE database_id NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 4
        GROUP BY NAME,hostname ,program_name ,loginame'
        EXEC (@DynamicSQL)
        FETCH NEXT FROM VarCursor INTO @ServerName
    CLOSE VarCursor
    DEALLOCATE VarCursor

    But for this query you have to ensure that you have privileges in all your servers or that you have linked servers in your principal SQL Server engine