I want to observe two behaviorRelays
with a single observer
, wait for both relays
to emitt their values, then in the subscription
have two seperate closure arguemts
, one for each relay
. Something like this:
let one = firmwareService.basicIODeviceUnit.compactMap { $0?.canBeUpdated }
let two = firmwareService.motorDeviceUnit.compactMap { $0?.canBeUpdated }
Observable.of(one, two).flatMap{ $0 }.subscribe(onNext: { a, b in
print("--", a, b)
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
The above code isn't allowed. The operators like merge
or zip
seem to bundle both relays into a single closure argumet so I guess they won't work. What do I use?
I have looked through this thread, so it should be possible, but I can't wrap my head around it since I use swift
RxJS Subscribe with two arguments
I'm not sure what you mean because zip
does exactly what you want. So does combineLatest
let one = firmwareService.basicIODeviceUnit.compactMap { $0?.canBeUpdated }
let two = firmwareService.motorDeviceUnit.compactMap { $0?.canBeUpdated }
Observable.zip(one, two)
.subscribe(onNext: { a, b in
print("--", a, b)
.disposed(by: disposeBag)