I am using mikro-orm to generate graphql schemas and all fields in my One to One relationship are coming back required. How do I get them to be optional so that my query doesn't throw an error when a field comes back null? Here is how I am defining the relationship in ticket.entity.ts
@Field(() => Order, { nullable: true })
@OneToOne(() => Order, null, { nullable: true })
public order?: Order;
In my generated tickets.schema.graphql, the Order object returns this:
type Order {
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
archivedAt: DateTime
client: String!
soldDate: DateTime!
type: String!
In my Order entity, all fields are optional, and the generated SQL table understands them as such.
export class Order extends BaseEntity {
@Field(() => String)
@Property({ nullable: true })
public client: string;
@Field(() => Date)
@Property({ columnType: "date", nullable: true })
public soldDate: Date;
@Field(() => String)
@Property({ nullable: true })
public type: string;
I don't have a One to One relationship to a Ticket in my Order entity. Tickets have an Order, but Orders don't necessarily have tickets. I didn't see one way relationships in the docs so I figured I would put that here just in case it has something to do with my issue.
My fields needed to be nullable in the order entity. It was a @nestjs/graphql related issue, not a mikro-orm related issue.
export class Order extends BaseEntity {
@Field(() => String, { nullable: true} )
@Property({ nullable: true })
public client: string;
@Field(() => Date, { nullable: true} )
@Property({ columnType: "date", nullable: true })
public soldDate: Date;
@Field(() => String, { nullable: true} )
@Property({ nullable: true })
public type: string;