I'm trying to include the following pstricks code snippet in R/exams .Rmd exercises, but I have no idea how to do it:
\\begin{pspicture}(-2, -2)(3, 3)
\\psset{viewpoint=100 30 20,Decran=100}
\\psSolid[object=cube, a=2,
fillcolor = magenta!20
\\axesIIID[showOrigin=false, labelsep=5pt](1,1,1)(3,2,2)
\\draw[<->] (0, 0) -- (5, 5);
Yes, it is possible, although I wouldn't recommend it. You can use the following:
tex2image(..., packages = c("auto-pst-pdf", ...))
so that the LaTeX package {auto-pst-pdf} is used. This supports embedding pstricks in documents for the pdfLaTeX by calling LaTeX for the figure in the background.tex2image()
calls pdfLaTeX with the -shell-escape
option so that pdfLaTeX is allowed to call LaTeX. This is relatively easy by using the R package tinytex
.A worked example for this strategy is included below, it is called dist4.Rmd
. If you copy the R/Markdown code to a file you can run:
The same could be done in exams2moodle()
. The exercise is inspired by the dist, dist2, dist3 exercise templates readily available in R/exams. Compare to these templates which draw the graphics in R, the dist4.Rmd
exercise is terribly slow. R calls pdfLaTeX which calls LaTeX and all of these post-process the graphics output. Hence, I would only use pstricks if I have complex legacy LaTeX code in pstricks or specialized packages built on top of pstricks that would be hard to rewrite in R (or in TikZ).
Below you find the R/Markdown source code. This is similar to the exercises using include_tikz()
. The crucial differences are that (a) tex2image()
is called directly (rather than via include_tikz()
), (b) the resulting image has to be embedded manually, and (c) the R package tinytex
is needed and the option tinytex.engine_args = "-shell-escape"
needs to be set.
```{r, include = FALSE} ## data p <- c(sample(1:3, 1), sample(1:5, 1)) q <- c(sample((p[1] + 1):5, 1), sample(1:5, 1)) sol <- sum(abs(p - q)) ## pstricks pst <- ' \\begin{pspicture}(-1,-1)(7,7) \\psaxes{->}(0,0)(-0.2,-0.2)(6.5,6.5)[$x$,0][$y$, 90] \\psdot(%s,%s) \\uput[0](%s,%s){$p$} \\psdot(%s,%s) \\uput[0](%s,%s){$q$} \\end{pspicture} ' pst <- sprintf(pst, p[1], p[2], p[1], p[2], q[1], q[2], q[1], q[2]) ## generate figure via tinytex and shell-escape option opt <- options(exams_tex = "tinytex", tinytex.engine_args = "-shell-escape") fig <- tex2image(pst, packages = c("auto-pst-pdf", "pst-all"), name = "pqdist", dir = ".", resize = 400) options(opt) ``` Question ======== What is the Manhattan distance $d_1(p, q)$ of the two points $p$ and $q$ shown in the following figure? `) Solution ======== The Manhattan distance is given by: $d_1(p, q) = \sum_i |p_i - q_i| = |`r p[1]` - `r q[1]`| + |`r p[2]` - `r q[2]`| = `r sol`$. Meta-information ================ exname: Manhattan distance extype: num exsolution: `r sol` exclozetype: num