I'm trying to Enable / Disable the OS Notification Switch for the app I'm testing and I'm unable to. I get as far as the Settings > Notifications > App screen itself but the switch doesn't seem to have a button I can interact with.
This is how far I get:
let settingsApp = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "com.apple.Preferences")
So far so good but here the button list is returned like this:
Failed to get matching snapshot: No matches found for Element at index 7 from input {(
Button, identifier: 'Lock Screen', Selected,
Button, identifier: 'Notification Center',
Button, identifier: 'Banners',
Button, Disabled,
Button, Disabled
I've tried settingsApp.buttons.element(boundBy: 0).tap()
but that ends up being the back button and boundBy: 1 ends up being the 'Lock Screen' button.
Is the 'Allow Notifications' toggle un-tappable? :)
Allow Notifications is a switch
, which will respond to tap()
. The following should do the trick:
settingsApp.tables.cells.switches["Allow Notifications"].tap()
I typically wrap switch tapping in a toggle function, which takes an expected state and only taps if it's not already in that state.