This is my code:
class solution:
lot = [[1,0,0], [1,0,0], [1,9,1]]
def move(lot):
if lot is None:
return -1
if (len(lot) <= 0 or len(lot[0]) <= 0):
return -1
q = []
visited = [len(lot)], [len(lot[0])]
direction= [(0,1), (0,-1), (1,0), (-1,0)]
result = 0
while (len(q) > 0):
size = len(q)
for i in range(size):
node= q.pop(0)
x = node[0]
y = node[1]
visited[x][y]= True
if(lot[x][y] == 9):
return result
for dir in direction:
nx = x+ dir[0]
ny = y + dir[1]
r= len(lot[nx])
if (nx < 0 or nx >= len(lot) or ny < 0 or ny > r or lot[nx][ny] == 0 or visited[nx][ny] == True):
result += result
return result
It generates the following error:
File "", line 29, in move
if (nx < 0 or nx >= len(lot) or ny < 0 or ny > r or lot[nx][ny] == 0 or visited[nx][ny] == True):
IndexError: tuple index out of range
Your error is because of your visited
variable. You're trying to access visited[nx][ny]
which doesn't exist.
Separately, your DFS algorithm is incorrect. See here for how to implement DFS correctly.
Your function should be like this:
def move(lot):
if lot is None:
return -1
if (len(lot) <= 0 or len(lot[0]) <= 0):
return -1
q = []
visited = set()
result = 0
while len(q)>0:
x,y = q.pop(0)
return result
if (x,y) in visited:
for d in [(0,1), (0,-1), (1,0), (-1,0)]:
nx = x + d[0]
ny = y + d[1]
if (nx<0 or nx>=len(lot) or ny<0 or ny>len(lot[0]) or lot[nx][ny]==0 or (nx,ny) in visited):
result += 1
return result