I often create fairly large dashboards with R Markdown. Every time I create a new output (e.g., a new chunk containing an additional table or chart), I want to check for any display issues. My current workflow for doing this is slow for two reasons:
Thanks for any advice.
To answer your workflow questions
rmarkdown::run("filename.Rmd", shiny_args = list(launch.browser = TRUE))
is what you can use, which uses a shiny argument, which will render your Rmarkdown file and send it directly to the browser when ran. answer found here
which tells R to evaluate the chunk or not. You can also use echo=FALSE
to hide code in the chunk from displaying. Rstudio has added a GUI option to easily select these options with a click of a mouseWhere only the selected chunk I chose to knit, was actually knitted(1 plot instead of 2.