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Connecting slim php to mongodb doctrine

I am using this slim php skeleton for an mvc structure. It has doctrine connection as well

I want to connect to my mongodb server and this is the doctrine mongodb package

I have it installed and setup my bootstrap.php like the docs say on the setup step

The settings file in my slim framework looks like this


use DI\ContainerBuilder;
use Monolog\Logger;

return function (ContainerBuilder $containerBuilder) {
    $rootPath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/..');

    // Global Settings Object
        'settings' => [
            // Base path
            'base_path' => '',
            // Is debug mode
            'debug' => (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') != 'production'),

            // 'Temprorary directory
            'temporary_path' => $rootPath . '/var/tmp',

            // Route cache
            'route_cache' =>$rootPath . '/var/cache/routes',

            // View settings
            'view' => [
                'template_path' =>$rootPath . '/tmpl',
                'twig' => [
                    'cache' =>$rootPath . '/var/cache/twig',
                    'debug' => (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') != 'production'),
                    'auto_reload' => true,

            // doctrine settings
            'doctrine' => [
                'meta' => [
                    'entity_path' => [ $rootPath . '/src/Entity' ],
                    'auto_generate_proxies' => true,
                    'proxy_dir' => $rootPath . '/var/cache/proxies',
                    'cache' => null,
                'connection' => [
                    'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
                    'path' => $rootPath . '/var/blog.sqlite'

            // monolog settings
            'logger' => [
                'name' => 'app',
                'path' =>  getenv('docker') ? 'php://stdout' : $rootPath . '/var/log/app.log',
                'level' => (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') != 'production') ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::INFO,

    if (getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') == 'production') { // Should be set to true in production
        $containerBuilder->enableCompilation($rootPath . '/var/cache');

How can i connect to my mongodb server and use it in my controllers?


  • Make sure that ext-mongodb in stalled.


    Install the Doctrine MongoDB ODM library:

    composer require doctrine/mongodb-odm

    Add a DI container definition for DocumentManager::class:

    use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Configuration;
    use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\DocumentManager;
    use MongoDB\Client;
    use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
    return [
        // ...
        DocumentManager::class => function (ContainerInterface $container) {
            $settings = $container->get('settings')['mongodb'];
            // URI: mongodb://
            $client = new Client($settings['uri']);
            $config = new Configuration();
            // ...
            return DocumentManager::create($client, $config);

    Then use dependency injection and declare DocumentManager in your Repository class constructor.

    Usage example:

    $address = new Address();
    $address->setAddress('555 Doctrine Rd.');