I can change the format of the number using "format cells" dialog box
This will display the number like this...
I can also change numbers to text using this...
[NatNum12 cardinal][$ $]
It will display the same number in words like:
seven hundred eighty-nine $
I can change the display to devnagari numbers using the custom format:
It will display the same number in devnagari:
But I am not able to convert that hindi number to hindi text. The expected output is something like this...
सात सौ नवासी
Hindi is not currently supported by libnumbertext, perhaps because Indo-Aryan language numbers are notoriously irregular. Supported languages are at https://numbertext.github.io/#testimonials, according to the LO 6.1 release notes.
Marathi does work, so perhaps other Indo-Aryan languages will be added in future releases. For example, changing the cell format locale to Marathi
with code [NatNum12 cardinal] 0
shows सातशे एकोणनव्वद
. In contrast, when Hindi is selected, the numerals remain as 789