Is there a way to write the below neo4j cypher script to handle n case whens depending on the size of the array being read? I have varying array sizes on which to calculate co2 consumption so to use a one size fits all case when would be highly inefficient.
MATCH paths = allShortestPaths((a: Flights {label: 'Paris'})-[: FLIGHT*]->(b:Flights {label: 'Sydney'}))
WITH paths, relationships(paths) AS rels
UNWIND rels AS rel
WITH paths,
collect(rel.co2) AS co2,
collect(rel.engine_consumption) as ec
x IN range(0, size(fc)-1) |
case when x=0 then acc1 + co2[x]
when x=1 then acc1 + co2[x] * ec[x-1]
when x=2 then acc1 + co2[x] * ec[x-1] * ec[x-2]
when x=3 then acc1 + co2[x] * ec[x-1] * ec[x-2] * ec[x-3]
when x=size(ec)-1 then acc1 + co2[x] * ec[x-1] * ... * ec[0]
) AS normalised_co2
I did this in the end using the python library py2neo, and created the cypher query using python
case_when = ''
accumulator = ''
for x in range(max_paths):
accumulator += f'* co2[{x}]'
case_when += f'when x={x+1} then acc + co2[{x+1}]' + accumulator + ' \n '