Im currently writing a simple nodejs application. One of the features is to send email by cron job using hapi & nodemailer.
The app ran successfully with transporter such as
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
port: 587,
auth: {
pass: somepassword
I'm currently trying to make it work using smtp2go, I tried it first outside of the Hapi server with the user
as 'some-username' without the domain. It worked perfectly and smtp2go logs the sent email.
I tried to put the same code inside of Hapi, it returns
(node:3211) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Mail command failed: 501 <some-username>: sender address must contain a domain
Ive tried to put the sender code inside an async function then call them using await, it still did not worked
Any ideas on how should I write this code? Thanks in advance!
Apparently, on the sendEmail function, I added it as
let mailOptions = transporter.sendMail({
from: `application email <${process.env.MAIL_DOMAIN}>`,
to: `${process.env.EMAIL_RECEIVER}`,
subject: `Email Subject`,
html: htmlToSend
This won't work if my MAIL_DOMAIN is set as the SMTP server's username (not an email). The test file was using a hardcoded email name!
I resolved this by changing it to an email domain since it lets me send from 'nonexistant' email!