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Which quotes do a programmer need?

My keyboard only has normal quotes, not the smart ones.

I have observed that I need normal ones in CGI development and the backward ones in AWK/SED.

Is there a rule when I should use smart quotes, normal ones and backward ones?

Obviously, I need to edit my keyboard layout to get the smart quotes.


  • If you mean ` by smart quotes, then that is actually called "backquote". Smart quotes are when you type ' and ", but get ‘ and ’ or “ and ” automatically depending on the context. I'm not sure how you would use smart quotes in awk or sed.

    In the shell, backquotes, such as `command`, are used to evaluate a command and substitute the result of the command within them into the shell expression being evaluated; it can be used to compute and argument to another command, or to set a variable. For less ambiguity, you can instead use $(command), which makes a lot of quoting rules easier to work out.

    In the shell, ' and " are also different. " is used for strings in which you want variable substitution and escape sequences. ' represents a string containing just the characters within the quotes, with not variable interpolation or escape sequences.

    So, for example:

    $ name=world
    $ echo "Hello, $name"
    Hello, world
    $ echo 'Hello, $name'
    Hello, $name
    $ echo "Testing \\ escapes"
    Testing \ escapes
    $ echo 'Testing \\ escapes'
    Testing \\ escapes
    $ echo `ls`
    example-file another-example
    $ echo 'ls'
    $ echo "ls"

    Other scripting languages, such as Perl and Ruby, have similar rules, though there may be slight differences.