2021/06/11 After hours of debugging yesterday, I confirmed that the problem is caused by aws amplify configuration: _configureAmplify()
. Because the location of the amplify server was set wrong, so _configureAmplify()
takes several seconds to work... and therefore, the readPost()
function did not work on initialization, as it must run after _configureAmplify()
2021/06/10I made changes to my code according to S. M. JAHANGIR's advice, and updated the question. The issue still presists. The value of posts
is not updated when called in initialization and the data only shows up after reload. (if I commented out the _controller.readPost() in UI, the value of posts
is always empty.
I have this page that loads information from aws amplify with getx implemented. However, I found out the readPost() async
funtion in getx controller dart file is not reading from database, when the controller instance is initialized. I have to add a _controller.readPost()
in UI file to make it work. And the data only shows up after a reload of that UI page...
Getx Controller dart file:
class ReadPostController extends GetxController {
var isLoading = true.obs;
var posts = <Posty>[].obs;
void onInit() {
await readPost();
// print('show post return value: $posts');
void _configureAmplify() {
final provider = ModelProvider();
final dataStorePlugin = AmplifyDataStore(modelProvider: provider);
AmplifyStorageS3 storage = new AmplifyStorageS3();
AmplifyAuthCognito auth = new AmplifyAuthCognito();
AmplifyAPI apiRest = AmplifyAPI();
// Amplify.addPlugin(dataStorePlugin);
Amplify..addPlugins([dataStorePlugin, storage, auth, apiRest]);
print('Amplify configured');
// read all posts from databases
Future readPost() async {
try {
var result = await Amplify.DataStore.query(Posty.classType);
print('finish loading request');
result = result.sublist(1);
// print(the value of posts is $posts');
} finally {
void onClose() {
// called just before the Controller is deleted from memory
And in the UI part:
class TabBody extends StatelessWidget {
TabBody({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
final ReadPostController _controller = Get.put(ReadPostController());
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_controller.readPost();//if commented out, _controller.post is empty
return Container(
child: Obx(
() => Text('showing:${_controller.posts[1].title}'),
In my understanding, the readPost()
function should be called when the ReadPost_controller
is initiallized. And the UI will update when the posts = <Posty>[].obs
changes. Guys, what am I doing wrong here?
First, when you are calling readPost
on onInit
you are not awaiting. So change it to:
onInit() async{
await readPost();
Secondly, posts
is a RxList so you need to use the assignAll
method to update it.
Therefore, in your readPost
method, instead of posts.value = reault
you need to use posts.assignAll(result)
every time the build
method is called by the Flutter framework and actually the UI shows the data from every previous call.