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Automatically add divs to product descriptions in Shopify

I'm trying to add divs to product descriptions in Shopify so that I can then create an accordion. Currently my code looks like this

In the .liquid file:

<div class="product-single__description rte">
  {{ product.description }}

This is the output:

<div class="product-single__description rte">

My goal is to insert a div wrapper and enclose the content from H2 to the next h2, so for example:

<div class="product-single__description rte">

  <div class=“class_1”
    <p ><em>Text</em></p>

  <div class=“class_2”
    <p >Text</p>


The number of H2s and the content changes from product to product.


  • Well there are a few checks that you need to make before you do this.

    First we will set a variable for the content:

    {% assign content = product.description %}

    After that we will check if the if there is a plain <h2> in there

    {% if content contains '<h2>' %}
      // logic to add here
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}

    (have in mind that if your h2 tags have any inline styles you will have to target <h2 instead)

    If there is we will continue the logic inside the if, but if there is not we will output the plain content in the else statement.

    So we are now in the // logic to add here part here.

    We will split the content by <h2> like so:

    {% assign content_arr = content | split: '<h2>' %}

    We will check if you have some content before the first <h2> since we don't want to loose it in that case, so we check it like so:

    {% if content_arr[0] != '' %}
    {% endif %}

    We need to loop the rest of the items of the array.

    Since we are splitting by <h2> if there is no content before the <h2> it will return an empty array for the first item and we don't need that one. So we will offset the for loop by 1 item:

    {% for item in content_arr offset: 1 %}
      // items here
    {% endfor %}

    Now we need to return the opening <h2> tag (since we removed it from the content) and show the rest of the content.

    It's easy as writing <h2> before the {{item}}:

    <div class="class_{{forloop.index}}">

    And that's all.

    Here is the full code:

    {% assign content = product.description %}
    {% if content contains '<h2>' %}
      {% assign content_arr = content | split: '<h2>' %}
      {% if content_arr[0] != '' %}
      {% endif %}
      {% for item in content_arr offset: 1 %}
        <div class="class_{{forloop.index}}">
      {% endfor %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}