i have an MJPEG stream over RTSP/UDP from which i want to generate JPEGs for a UIImageView with [UIImage initWithData:]. Most of the time this works good, but sometimes i get corrupt images and log messages like:
ImageIO: <ERROR> JPEGCorrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
My Question is: how can i see (during runtime), that such message occurs? Unfortunatly 'initWithData' has no error output, is there any other way?
Thank you.
Edit: in this case, the initWithData does return a valid UIImage object, not nil!
There is a similar thread to this one on stack overflow: Catching error: Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment.
There solution is to check for the header bytes FF D8
and ending bytes FF D9
. So, if you have image data in an NSData, you can check it like so:
- (BOOL)isJPEGValid:(NSData *)jpeg {
if ([jpeg length] < 4) return NO;
const char * bytes = (const char *)[jpeg bytes];
if (bytes[0] != 0xFF || bytes[1] != 0xD8) return NO;
if (bytes[[jpeg length] - 2] != 0xFF || bytes[[jpeg length] - 1] != 0xD9) return NO;
return YES;
Then, to check if JPEG data is invalid, just write:
if (![self isJPEGValid:myData]) {
NSLog(@"Do something here");
Hope this helps!