I have a table in SQL Server something like this (these records are coming from user input later I have to join this table with business table)
Table A
id | group | item |
1 | A | 4567876 |
2 | A | 5678988 |
3 | A | 9999999 |
4 | B | 1234567 |
5 | B | 6846677 |
For each group I want to select, If there is any entry for item 9999999 then select only this record else all records in that respective group. (e.g for given example in group A select item 9999999 and for group B all items)
id | group | item |
3 | A | 9999999 |
4 | B | 1234567 |
5 | B | 6846677 |
I don't want to delete any records from the table.
You can use not exists
select a.*
from a
where a.item = 9999999 or
not exists (select 1
from a a2
where a2.group = a.group and
a2.item = 9999999
You can also use a fancy trick with rank()
select top (1) with ties t.*
from t
order by rank() over (partition by group
order by (case when item = 9999999 then 1 else 2 end)