I want to play lottie animation for specific time duration in flutter. I don't want to play it by fast forwarding. Like If my animation contains total 90 frames
then If I only want to play first 30 frames
so can I achieve this? or like If my animation has total 2 seconds but I only want to play 1st second. then How can I do this with using animation controller or any other thing?
Okay you could try directly editing the controller instead, so you're initState will look like this:
void initState() {
_controller = AnimationController(vsync: this);
_controller.addListener(() {
// if the full duration of the animation is 8 secs then 0.5 is 4 secs
if (_controller.value > 0.5) {
// When it gets there hold it there.
_controller.value = 0.5;
and then your lottie widget looks like this:
controller: _controller,
onLoaded: (comp){
..duration = comp.duration
----------- Previous answer below -----------
haven't had a chance to check this but try adding a controller to your animation and using animateTo on the onLoaded.
controller: _controller,
onLoaded: (comp){