i want to create a folder name with a start of W1 09-09-2021 (this is the name of the folder) i want the second one to be W2 + 7 days is there a way to create that in batch ? for let say 6 months ? Regards
You can use something like this. The could be more compressed but since you're a beginner I believe will learn more if I leave it like this.
Remember to update the $folderPath
variable using the destination Full Path where the new folders should be created.
$startDate = [datetime]'09-09-2021'
$endDate = $startDate.AddMonths(6)
$startWeek = 1
$folderPath = "X:\fullPath\to\newFolders"
$datesToExclude = @(
'12-30-2021' # This will Exclude 30 of December 2021
) | ForEach-Object {$_ -as [datetime]}
if($startDate -notin $datesToExclude)
$folderName = "W{0} {1}" -f $startWeek, $startDate.ToString('MM-dd-yyyy')
$newFolderPath = Join-Path $folderPath -ChildPath $folderName
New-Item $newFolderPath -ItemType Directory
$startDate = $startDate.AddDays(7)
}until($startDate -ge $endDate)
New folders should look like this from W1 until W26:
W1 09-09-2021
W2 09-16-2021
W3 09-23-2021
W4 09-30-2021
W24 02-17-2022
W25 02-24-2022
W26 03-03-2022