I have a file in which i have very important java project source code that got lost. It is an elf-file. When i open it with and editor most of it is unreadable but the complete java project seems to be embedded as a uncompressed zip folder inside the file with folderstructure and everything (dont ask me why. I only try to get the information back i am not responsible).
The relevant information pieces in the elf-file look like the following:
Üi‰L§½kQ Q 9 file/path/i/cant/show/contenttext
Because i dont know where the zip folder starts and where it ends and because everything is uncompressed my idea was to write a small script to scrape the from the elf-file and create the complete javaproject from that.
For that i want the file name length from the header so its easy to know where filename ends end filecontent starts.
ThisPK Üi‰L§½kQ Q 9
seems to be the file header of the zipfile. I converted it to hex and it looks like this: 504B03040A2020082020DC69894CA71E BD6B512020205120202039202020
I tried to format that with the info from wikipedia:
504B0304 //sig (this showed me i did something right)
0A20 // version
2008 // generalpurpose flag
2020 // compression method
DC69 // File last modification time
894C // File last modification date
A71EBD6B //CRC-32 of uncompressed data
51202020 //Compressed size (or 0xffffffff for ZIP64)
51202020 //Uncompressed size (or 0xffffffff for ZIP64)
3920 //File name length (n)
2020 //Extra field length (m)
And Endian switch:
04034B50 //sig
200A // version
0820 // generalpurpose flag
2020 // compression method
69DC // File last modification time
4C89 // File last modification date
6BBD1EA7 //CRC-32 of uncompressed data
20202051 //Compressed size (or 0xffffffff for ZIP64)
20202051 //Uncompressed size (or 0xffffffff for ZIP64)
2039 //File name length (n)
2020 //Extra field length (m)
But something seems wrong. The length of the file header is right (30 bytes plus filename) and the numbers seem to have information at the right point but 2020
should be 0000
for compression. To me it seems the conversion to hex is only half right.
What do i have to change to get the right numbers?
I found my error. The problem of the weird 2020 instead of 0000 was my mistake. I opened the file in notepadd++ copied interesting sections into a new file and converted them there into hex. I think the copying changed the data. When i open the file directly in a hexeditor the zipefile header is all right.