I'm using Azure Container Insights for an AKS cluster and want to filter some logs using Log Analytics and Kusto Query Language. I do it to provide a convenient dashboard and alerts.
What I'm trying to achieve is list only not ready pods. Listing the ones not Running is not enough. This can be easily filtered using kubectl e.g. following this post How to get list of pods which are "ready"?
However this data is not avaiable when querying in Log analytics with Kusto as the containerStatuses seems to be only a string
It should be somehow possible because Container Insights allow this filtering in Metrics section. However it's not fully satisfying because with metrics my filtering capabilities are much smaller.
The efdestegul's answer was only listing not "Running" pods and I was looking for not ready ones. However this answer led me to a query which I actually needed and thank you for that. Maybe this will help others.
let timeGrain=1m;
// | where Namespace in ('my-namespace-1', 'my-namespace-2')
| summarize countif(ContainerStatus == 'waiting') by bin(TimeGenerated,timeGrain)
| order by countif_ desc
| render timechart
With this query I'm able to render a chart that displays all not ready pods in time. And actually in a very useful way, only the pods that were not ready for more than expected and they needed to be restarted. You can always filter your results for any namespaces you need.