I have pretty standard React Material UI grid with InputLabel's and Input's placed in horizontal row. The code is:
const Container = (props) => <Grid container {...props} />;
const Item = (props) => <Grid item xs={1} {...props} />;
const ContainerItem = (props) => <Grid container item {...props} />;
function App() {
return (
<MuiThemeProvider theme={ucs_theme}>
<InputLabel htmlFor="m_gen_ref_serie">Serie</InputLabel>
<Input type="text" id="m_gen_ref_serie" />
<InputLabel htmlFor="m_gen_ref_serie2">Serie 2</InputLabel>
<Input type="text" id="m_gen_ref_serie2" />
<InputLabel htmlFor="m_gen_ref_serie3">Serie 3</InputLabel>
<Input type="text" id="m_gen_ref_serie3" />
<InputLabel htmlFor="m_gen_ref_serie">Serie</InputLabel>
<Input type="text" id="m_gen_ref_serie" />
<InputLabel htmlFor="m_gen_ref_serie2">Serie 2</InputLabel>
<Input type="text" id="m_gen_ref_serie2" />
<InputLabel htmlFor="m_gen_ref_serie3">Serie 3</InputLabel>
<Input type="text" id="m_gen_ref_serie3" />
And full example is available: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-final-form-material-ui-example-forked-f0ir9?file=/src/index.js
Be aware, that my codesandbox example uses some theming, but the problem is not affected (not solved) by this theming (at least by this kind of theming).
I have problems and my question is about the placement of the InputLabel (rendered as HTML label) text - it is placed left-top. The left-placement is OK. The problem is that I don't like that the text is placed as top (some console entries who some strange margin-bottom). I would like to set vertical-align="middle"
for this text. But there is not such property for InputLabel. How can achieve vertical-align="middle"
effect for my labels (text of the labeld) in the Material UI grid?
Maybe I have to use some strange intermediate components like Paper?
You can edit your items alignment by using the props alignItems
<Grid container justify='center|flexStart|flexEnd|...' alignItems='center|end|start|....' alignContent='center|....' ...props >
Just look at the documentation here for more informations, you can also use CSS rules on your Grid item
to edit the placement