I have a predictor variable called "Group", this group has 3 categories (ALTO, MEDIO, BAJO). In my glm for binomial family, the summary shows the intercept + BAJO and MEDIO, but I need to see in my tab_model only ALTO and MEDIO and let BAJO as intercept. Is there any way to change this setting?
mSUI1d <- glm(Suicidio ~ Grupo, data = PAIS_PBI, family = binomial)
> mSUI1d
Call: glm(formula = Suicidio ~ Grupo, family = binomial, data = PAIS_PBI)
(Intercept) GrupoBAJO GrupoMEDIO
-1.35703 0.12204 0.07421
Degrees of Freedom: 42454 Total (i.e. Null); 42452 Residual
(1027 observations deleted due to missingness)
Null Deviance: 44250
Residual Deviance: 44230 AIC: 44240
And this is my tab_model:
Odds Ratios IC (95%)
GrupoBAJO 1.13 *** 1.07 – 1.20
GrupoMEDIO 1.08 * 1.02 – 1.14
Observations 42455
You can use the relevel()
function to specify which level of the factor is the reference level. Assuming the variable Grupo is already a factor, this should work:
PAIS_PBI$Grupo <- relevel(PAIS_PBI$Grupo, ref = "BAJO")