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How we query one to many relation in Spring JPA using Criteria Query

The scenario is: Entity Student ID Name List Courses

Entity Course ID Name Student

Now I need the list of students who are studying course 'Programming'

How can I achieve this using Criteria Query.


  • try this:

    CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Student> cq = cb.createQuery(Student.class);
    Root<Student> rootStudent = cq.from(Student.class);
    Join<Student,Course> joinCourse = rootStudent.join("courses",JoinType.INNER);
    List<Student> res = entityManager.createQuery(cq).getResultList();

    In this example I assume that you have the JPA entities well modeled, including bidirectional relationships. It would also be recommended if it is for an API that you use pojos instead of returning a JPA entity to the web part, for this you should use multiselect instead of select and specify each of the fields you want to obtain, but as a first approximation it would be valid.

    It would also be advisable to use metamodels for JPA entities instead of accessing the properties through a string with the name (join, get methods ..)

    In this scenario, it does not make sense to make a subquery, I change the query to find the students of the courses Proggraming1 or Proggraming2 through a subquery(I would still prefer to do it by filtering the joins without using subquery), it would be something like this:

    CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Student> cq = cb.createQuery(Student.class);
    Root<Student> rootStudent = cq.from(Student.class);
    Join<Student,Course> joinCourse = rootStudent.join("courses",JoinType.INNER);
    Subquery<Long> subqueryIdCourse = cq.subquery(Long.class);
    Root<Course> rootCourseSq = subqueryIdCourse.from(Course.class);
    List<Student> res = entityManager.createQuery(cq).getResultList();